Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I'm starting this blog for the soon to be players of my 4th E campaign to use as a reference point when making characters, and recapping what they may have missed should they not be able to attend an online session.

So far we have the following classes in the campaign:

  • Cleric
  • Sword Mage
  • Warden
  • Rogue
While this may be a complete and well rounded party, I am wanting to open up recruiting once again and add couple more folks to the story line, and perhaps maybe have a few people come in as guests to spice things up occasionally. If you're interested in playing, please feel free to leave a comment stating your role of interest, whether that be a guest, or a full time player.

Should you choose to be a full time player in the campaign, I'll let the players vote on applicants- since a group synergy is pretty important, especially in an online campaign. 

You can find the allowed races / classes in the appropriate page tabs. Thanks!