Races of Kharlia

Found in most areas of Kharlia, humans average height ranges from 5" to 6" feet tall. Well known for being versatile, durable, and a diplomatic, humans are able to survive under some of the harshest environments. 

Though an explorative kinder may be found throughout the world of Kharlia, their species tends to reside primarily in the mountains of Valikorlia. "Kinderton", their most popular shire, with its exotic trinkets, overly-complicated mundane gadgets, and interesting social lifestyle, has been known to draw in tourist from around the world- and promptly drive them away with over the top-kindness and curiosity of outside culture. 
A kinder stands generally from 3" 1/2' - 4" 1/2' feet tall, is very curious with just about everything, can be easily amused, yet is frighteningly intelligent and charismatic. (See half-ling in Ph1 for stat and feat details.)

Description here
Found through out all areas of Kharlia, Half-Elves are a stunning combination of natural evlen beauty and the influential traits of humans. With such high amounts of charisma, half-elves posses some of the most diplomatic traits in Kharlia. Due to their dual heritage, half-elves may take feats from both Elves and Humans. (See Half-elf in Ph1)

Two variations: 

  • The Seanchanni; generally found in the Valikorlian and Taronian forests of Kharlia; these elves are shorter than the average man, fast on their feet and are experts of the land. (Stats and feats found under the Elf description in Ph1.)
  • The Asca Dagniir; found on their island in the middle of the Emplar Ocean; these elves tend to be taller than the average man, very intelligent, and posses some of their cousin's natural agility. (Stats and feats found under the Eladrin description in Ph1.)
