Character Creation

Character Creation Guide Lines


Creating Your Character
Players will be starting in the town of Bronze Oak.

Unlike official Dungeons and Dragons campaigns, there are several Races and Classes that are not found in this world. Before becoming passionate about a certain class or race found in your players hand book, please be sure to check out both the race and classes pages found on this website.

Character selectable Classes can be found on the Playable Classes page.
Character selectable Races can be found on the Races page.

A player is required to have at least a minor back story to provide a more enjoyable role-playing experience for the other adventurers in the party. 

  • Are you sociable?
  • Did you as a child have an itch for adventure, but never was allowed to leave your town and responsibilities?
  • Were you a student at the local college? How were you enrolled?
  • Perhaps you were a blacksmith or an assistant to one and learned tools of the trade.
All of these are mere possibilities for simple back story catches that could help your character grow in not only levels, but in personality as well. 

Guide Lines

  • Characters will be able to choose classes from the Players Hand Book 1, 2, and 3. Classes may also include feats, abilities, and paths from the various martial, arcane, and divine power books.
  • When selecting your character, be sure that you consult your future party members in an out of character manner to prevent any kinks in your adventures together. Ex: All striker or soldier class characters, with no leader, support, or controller allies would leave the group crippled against many higher-level challenges.
  • While having several of the same classes is not forbidden, it is not advised.
  • Upon completion of a character sheet, please submit the sheet to Justin, as this allows us to upload the sheet onto fantasy grounds.