
  • Assassinknightsolem.jpg
  • Bard
  • Barbarian
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Fighter
  • Invoker
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Swordmage
  • Warlock
  • Warden
  • Warlord
  • Wizard

Magic is not obtained by birthright in Kharlia; it is obtained through extensive training, devotion, and sheer will power. It is for that reason that Sorcerers, Psions, shamans, etc are non-existent in this world. Players who would chose a class with certain supernatural powers must take this into consideration when developing a back story.

Examples of Magic Sources -

  • Bards: Gain their magic-like abilities through devotion to their music and other various lores in which they dabble.
  • Cleric: Gifts from the Divine allow them to cast spells appropriately.
  • Druids: Learned from forming an affinity with the wild; often taught within circles of elder druids.
  • Invoker: Also a divine caster.
  • Paladin: Divine.
  • Swordmage: Learns the art of blade enchantments and other various spells from Arcane schools.
  • Warlock: Forms a pact with certain Gods or Demigods (Often extra-planar) to gain their powers.
  • Warden: Similar to druids, only their beliefs allow them the use armor or weapons.
  • Warlord: Not necessarily magic based, is more of a moral motivator.
  • Wizard: Is taught the various ways of the arcane through academies and extensive study.

Special note: I will be modifying many of the rituals allowed for players, to make things a bit more realistic. I will be posting these changes once I've finished making the changes. To give you an idea: some rituals require a minimum of 5 minutes of preperation before you can successfully cast the spell. I will be looking at some of the casting times, and making modifications here, as well as eliminating some reagent "costs". Rituals that still require regents will require the player to purchase the materials from a specialty shop, rather than using his/her gold as the components.

Nothing too incredibly drastic, just enough to bring a bit more realism into the casting system; rather than the streamline rpg style of casting they tried to incorporate with 4th Ed.